An appealing alternative to pumpkin pie, these small pies are filled with acorn squash, a delicious yet underused vegetable. Cornmeal gives the crust texture...
Sarah Bernhardt cookies are as multilayered as their namesake, the famed French actress who once starred in the title role of "Hamlet." An almond macaroon...
Huge, craggy, chewy, and delicious, these cookies are guaranteed to become classics in your kitchen. The whole-wheat flour gives them a rich nuttiness;...
Classic Yellow Cake Batter is used to make the vanilla and chocolate layers of these impressive-looking cakes. The layers are swirled together to give...
One of the most popular Dutch sweet treats is a spice-filled, crunchy cookie called speculaas, or "mirror," since the cookies reflect the image of the...
Dense and buttery, this cookie is closely related to shortbread, which originated as a holiday treat in ancient Scotland. These pecan sandies are simply...
These delicate little cookies may look as if they came from a French bakery, but the recipe -- also featured on Martha Stewart Living TV -- is actually...
White cake is layered with a fruit and nut filling and slathered with fluffy frosting in this traditional Southern dessert. Martha made this recipe on...
This recipe for honey-gingerbread cookie dough from the December 2007 issue of Martha Stewart Living is used to make Television's Gingerbread Town-Square...
A showstopping holiday dessert that's a piece of cake? Meet this four-layer chocolate confection, which comes together from a one-bowl batter and three-ingredient...
Cream cheese makes this cake wonderfully moist, while ground pistachios lend a distinct nutty flavor. Drizzled with icing and sprinkled with pistachio...
This classic recipe starts with four pints of fresh strawberries, which macerate in sugar and lemon juice until they release their sweet juices. The filling...
Evoke memories of puddings, candies, and other childhood comforts with this lush butterscotch dessert. Its grown-up look and taste are derived from browned...
Potato in a cake that isn't a latke? You bet! Mashed potato gives this dessert body and a super moist texture. Martha made this on episode 704 of Martha...
Olive oil has a subtle fruitiness that works surprisingly well in desserts, especially in our Lemon-Fig Cake. You can substitute vegetable oil in this...
Martha's friend Jane Heller serves her dirt cake creatively: She presents the cake in a sterilized terra-cotta pot, then inserts sunflowers (wrap stems...
The secret to delicious spice cake is a well-balanced blend of flavors such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. This recipe, brought to us by Martha's mother,...
This wintry British pudding is also called Kentish Well Pudding. As it steams, the lemon softens and forms a marmalade-like sauce. Be sure each person...
A tart cranberry-orange curd offsets the sweetness of the crisp meringue shell in this striking winter dessert. Serve with a billow of whipped cream and...